Behind The Screen
Hello mundo! That must have sound familiar right? I bet it does. If you've been reading my articles since day one you should remember my very first one. No? well is fine, let me fill you in.
I wanted to sound mysterios not identyfing myself, at least for a while. I though that would make people all around the world to like my blog, and it did. But if you're thinking what I'm thinking it's time for you, my readers, to know more about this "not so famous" writer.
This is my story:
I'm a 20 year old girl with a sense of style. I love fashion as much as I love pizza and dogs, and for me there's no better way to express myself other than through my clothes. My daily outfits says a lot about me. You'll mostly see me wearing something black anyways. *HINT: favorite color.*
I like to try new fashion trends because why not. Always remembering who I truly am and where I came from. You know when you start having things of your own, essential things and others not so much, you want to keep them, even more when you used to have nothing at all. You start appreciating life and realizing that time is something you don't want to keep losing.
Where do I came from?
I was born in Cuba and I moved here when I was 16. This new world was a shock for me but I had to accept the change because that was my only option. It was either a new life or nothing. I choosed right. And here I am now, sharing this with you, my readers, hoping that you can identify yourself.
Xx, ♥️
Happy blogging & lots of love